
Robert and 'vanmarter photography'
Robert VanMarter, owner/operator of "vanmarter photography," has been photographing in the studio and on location for 30 years. Extensive experience with automotive, aerospace, commercial, architectural photography and more, speaks to the list of clients - GM, Ford, Chrysler, Buick, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Williams International, Ciba Geigy, Lucas Oil, Loran Oils, Detroit Diesel, GM Trucks, Smithsonian Air and Space, National Geographic, Huntsman, Ciba Chemistry, Leer Corporation, Johnson Controls, Scaled Composites, D.O.D., Citizens Insurance, and many more.
"vanmarter photography," is a small product photography studio. Small may be relative, but up to and including motor cycle size products. Most products are shipped via UPS, Fed-X, USPS, or other sources. There are different levels of photographic technique, from the basic stripped out on white, to more additive lighting and post production work, to the exquisite. To achieve the highest level of proficiency, vanmarter studio creates custom CGI backgrounds specific to the particular subject at hand.